Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What a Week!!!!

This has been one crazy week. Friday my husband had to leave for Atlanta for his monthly National Guard duty. So since Saturday was his birthday we had a small party for him. That was fun!! Got him off to Atlanta and the kids and I settled in for an easy weekend. Saturday some girls from church and I went out to dinner and a movie and my sweet mom kept the kids.

Sunday hit and things began to spin crazy. A very wet and cold storm blew in. By Monday morning we were without power and stayed that way for 14 hours!!! BBBRRRR!!! Well, my dear hubby was in Atlanta preparing for the governor's inauguration. Then, I get a text.... they are snowed in and have to call for the HUM-V to come get them!!! Oh boy!! He makes it thru the day's events but can't come home. So we wait, at my mom's because our house is like an icebox. Tuesday, he tries again to come home, but again is unsuccessful. Again another night with my dear mother.

Finally today he sends me a text of them driving out of the apartment complex. The road is still covered in ice and they don't dare stop at the stop sign, but hey, he is on the way home. Before I could even respond to the text, my phone rings and Jim is telling me they slid and now are stuck on the side of the road. Boy oh Boy!!! Luckily the guys in his band really wanted practice tonight and they happen to be great prayer warriors. Jim was finally able to inch his way out of Atlanta and is now home!!! Thank you Jesus!!

I know for some of you that story was no big deal, but for this south Georgia girl it was serious business. And if you read this send up a prayer for the electric crews who are still working to restore power to some and for those without power.

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