To most people she is child 143 on the Holt South Asia waiting child page, but to me she is Ruby Faith. I recently wrote a note to her and I want to share that here: (please ignore grammatics)
My Dearest Ruby Faith, I think of you this day as I sit and bask in the gentle spring breeze, the glow of the clear blue sky and the bright green trees. You are never far from my mind. I wonder what you are doing. Do you have many toys, a warm bed, and good shoes for you feet? Or are you lonely and scared with not much to eat? Yesterday was your birthday, did you get a great big hug? Was there someone there to tuck you in and tell you how special you are? In case there wasn't, let me just say, you are more valuable than gold. God designed you in a very special way I am told. Please know my Ruby Faith that even though I may not get to bring you home with me, you are special and in my heart your place will always be.
This little girl has been on my mind a lot lately. I pray for her, I dream of her face and long to hold her. I pray for a miracle, that somehow God will erase some of our debt so that we might be able to adopt her. Perhaps our house will sell soon and we will be able to afford to adopt. Until then, I pray.
I want to ask this though, do you think it possible that maybe God led you to this site so that you can become Ruby Faith's mother or father? I ask that you please pray about it and consider if God may be calling you to adopt. If not, will you join me in praying that this little girl will soon be united with her forever family.
Amy, this was so sweet!! God would have to erase some of our debt, too. :)
Amy I am praying for your situation. I know God will provide. If you are called to adopt this little girl He will provide the funds to do so. They won't come from you but from Him so He can be glorified thru it all.
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