Yesterday as I was leaving town and headed to my moms, my car suddenly died and I had to pull to the side of the road. I was devastated. I had already been reminded this week to remember Job, and that things weren't that bad for me. (My interpretation Heather.) However, I was beginning to wonder! Anyway, had a mechanic come out and pull it to his shop. He looked at it briefly and told me he thought it was the fuel pump. That would cost us several hundred dollars and I began thinking "Oh my gosh, how are we ever going to pay for this." So Jim comes to get us and we go home. I fretted a while longer and then I remembered the verses I had just read in Matthew about worrying and not adding any time to my life. And how God provides for the birds and clothes the flowers of the field. So finally I said "Okay God this is Yours."
So Jim calls the mechanic today and he tells us that the problem was water in my fuel tank. ( I had just stopped for gas before it conked out.) Anyway, instead of the several hundred dollars we thought we were going to have to shell out, we only have to pay $130!!! Woo-Hoo!!!! My God is so good and provides just what I need if I will only allow!!!
We have experiences like that so much of the time.My husband's job is ending in July and when I start fretting the Lord reminds me that he is in control.What a blessing to know that he is in control of our lives and what a praise to know that he was in control on your car problem.
Glad it wasn't too much after all. Missing you guys. I hope we can work something out to come see you all this summer.
He was testing you!!!
Heather D.
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