Monday, October 22, 2012


So I have now told you we are starting the adoption process.  We are truly relying on God to provide.  When talking with my pastor about it a week or so ago, he asked me, "Why would God provide the funds if you don't need them?"  Now I'm slow and it took me a bit more explaining to understand.  See I was afraid to move until we had some funds.  He was saying move and watch God provide the funds.  Well, we moved.  Grace and I went to the post office today to mail the packet requesting to be matched.  While I was mailing the package she went to check our box.  Guess what!!??  In our box was a check for $108 as a refund from over payment to the dentist office.  I was giddy.  Just a little reminder from God that He will provide the funds needed.  :)  By the way, her name is Sarah Joy.  More on that story later.

1 comment:

whitbrianne said...

I am excited to see a picture of Miss Sarah Joy!!!