Monday, November 4, 2013


Yay, our LSC finally came!!  We got the call last Wednesday that it had arrived!  Oh, I was beyond excited.  I've now sent off all the paperwork associated with getting our I-800 approval and hoping it comes soon.  Our agency says it will be another three months, but I am praying for God to move mountains and it to be sooner.

In other news, we now have a teenager in the house!!  Yesterday, Blake turned 13!  My how time flys.  It seems like just yesterday we were living in our tiny mobile home and I was rocking my sweet bundle before tucking him in bed.  Now he is almost as tall as me, and rocking is pretty much impossible (although we still tried as per our tradition of a birthday rock with mom).

I am so grateful for all the Lord has blessed me with.  When I sit back and look at what has transpired in my life the last 14  years, I am amazed.  God is so very good!!!

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