Thursday, October 9, 2008


Wow, two posts in one week. What is this world coming to?! Well today Samuel had a little out patient procedure. He did absolutely wonderful. When we got there and got checked in he told me he wanted to go home. I told him that as soon as the doctor was through. We turned on cartoons and he was set. The nurse came in and took his vitals and he did great. I was impressed with the new thermometer. You use it kinda like a wand and rub it over the forehead. Neat to me. Anyway, I talked to different docs and away he went. The hospital was great. One of the docs actually toted him to the back while the nurse pushed the bed. Made things a little easier for him.
He was gone for about an hour and then I went back to recovery with him. He was absolutely wonderful. We waited around for the usual drink and potty and then away we went. I tell ya this man is a trooper! He has been on the couch all afternoon and has watched movie after movie. Hopefully in another day or two we will be back to normal.


Unknown said...

Gosh, Amy, I didn't realize he was going to have surgery. I am so glad that all went well.

Blessed Mom of Four AND More said...

Glad to know Sameul is well.
I hope you're having as much fun with football season as we are.

Jill and Andy said...

I had been wondering if he had surgery yet, and just now getting caught up on reading the blogs-- glad that things went ok, hope his recovery continues to go well!!!