Sunday, November 2, 2008


So the official season of Thanksgiving has begun. Although I am thankful daily, I decided to use a fellow bloggers idea and post a thanksgiving every day of November. To start, I am thankful for a God who has forgiven me of my so so so many sins. It's almost daily that I just kinda think in amazement at how great and wonderful God is. I am also thankful for my dear husband. There are many times that I am so frustrated with him and his busy schedule but he can really come thru for me. This weekend my dad has been in the hospital and Jim put off a trip to his parents, cared for the kids, and kept the house tidy all weekend! The keeping the house tidy part is an absolute miracle because my laid back hubby never worries about the mess.

Please do pray for my dad. He's in the hospital with some abdominal pain and they can't really decide if it's gall bladder or diverticulitis. Anyway, it is causing him great pain and is hard on my mom to be there ALL day.


Blessed Mom of Four AND More said...

Hey Friend,
Praying for your dad! Please let me know son how he's doing.
I can't see your blog at school for some reason, so if there's news to share during the school day, please email me.
Love ya'

Jill and Andy said...

Your family and your dad are in our prayers tonight!!