Sunday, April 19, 2009

Prayers and Biblical Interpretation

Before I share any life happenings I have a prayer request. Jim's assisstant principal has been battling cancer for years. He has recovered and then been attacked again. His latest bought has been with cancer in his brain. Even this has not slowed him down. He would go for treatment and then be right back to school. He is a true inspiration for perserverance. However, the battle has gotten harder and yesterday they admitted Mr. Bill to hospice. Please pray for his wife Lori and their three children. The kids are in middle school and this will be hard. There will definately be a big gap at school and at Jim's prayer meetings in the mornings.

Update: We just received news tonight that Mr. Bill is in glory with Jesus. He doesn't hurt anymore, but he is leaving a family who will miss him greatly.

In other news, I wanted to share a biblical interpretation according to a 4 year old. Over the last few weeks we have talked about Jesus' death and resurrection. One night at supper we were asking the kids questions and of course Blake and Grace would answer them all. So I asked Samuel where we would live with Jesus. His response "The hotel." I just about cracked up, but the more I thought about it he isn't that far off. John 14:2 says "In My Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you." I guess we can call it the Heaven Inn. Be blessed.


Unknown said...

Oh, sad news on the one hand, but rejoicing that he is with Jesus!

Samuel is so smart!

Blessed Mom of Four AND More said...

I'm so sorry he lost the battle.... but he won the WAR!!ANd, one day, I'll try to sign up for Facebook. ;)