Sunday, October 30, 2011

God is moving!!!

I tell you I am so very excited I can hardly contain myself tonight!! God is so moving in the lives of friends and those I have gotten to know!! Just in the past 48 hours I have talked to two people considering missions. One is a friend that has felt for awhile God is calling her to missions. However, she has fought it. Now is seems God is really getting to her and she is trying hard to determine if a specific opportunity is God or self.

Then Friday night I talked with a young lady who is a junior in high school and already knows she wants to go to the mission field. She is one of our cheerleaders and happened also to be on the homecoming court. The night of homecoming I heard the announcer say that she wanted to be a missionary, but I couldn't catch who it was. Then, this Friday, on our way to the ballgame the cheerleaders were sitting towards the front of the bus where I was sitting. One of them asked me about my bracelet. I told them it was made by women in Uganda and I bought it to help a friend with her adoption. This brought up other things. The next thing I know this chick has left her seat to come sit with me. She began asking me about the trips we have been on and I asked her about her future plans. When I asked what she wanted to "do" in the mission field she replied, "I just want to tell people about Jesus." WOW!!! Really, after an hour and a half conversation I was astonished. This young lady puts many adults to shame.

And the final movement of God is not without heartache. I have a very dear friend who is being obedient to God, but Satan is not happy!!! He is attacking her family constantly. If the attacks of Satan are any indication, Heaven is singing and shouting!!! When Satan finally realizes that Jesus has this one won and he decides to move on, there will be great rejoicing.

But all of this movement is lacking one thing... People to come along side and pray for these folks. I ask that each one of you who reads this will take a moment and pray. Pray for clear direction and pray that God gets all the glory. Blessings.

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