Monday, November 5, 2012

Always Perfect...

Today's post is about how God is perfect.  I'm sure you've all heard the saying "Never late, rarely early and always on time."  Well, God gives exactly what we need.  As you know, we have started the adoption process again.  The first hurdle is the homestudy.  This is basically a report done by a social worker who decides whether we would make a good family or not.  Anyway, our homestudy is going to cost $1500 with $1000 due up front and the other $500 when the report is complete.

Well, with less than $200 in our adoption fund we stepped out and filled out the application for our homestudy.  Then Jim hurt his back!! Oh my, well there went any funds we could scrape together from this month's paycheck.  That was my thought.  So far though Jim has been to the doctor twice and neither time were we charged.  I'm really not sure if insurance is picking it up or what, but I know that it has been covered by God.

This weekend we had a yardsale that was to benefit our adoption fund.  I had two very dear friends who after a week of running around doing things for an activity we had on Wednesday, decided to stay up late on Friday to bake goodies to be sold.  Then these same dear friends woke up early Saturday morning and joined me for the yardsale.  I know that this day was a success because they were there.  They convinced people that they needed to buy just about anything.  Their excitement and enthusiasm was great!  When the day was done, we had raised $321.22!!  Praise the Lord!!

So between God providing funds and withholding expenses, we have enough to send our first payment!!  We hope to start our homestudy very soon.  Also, please continue to pray for our match.  A couple of weeks ago I talked with the social worker and was told they should decide on a family in 2-3 weeks.  Then Sandy hit.  The agency is hoping to get in their office today.  Pray that not only are the people of the office safe, but pray we will find out soon.


Sarah said...

God is good, Amy! <3

Tina said...

Pictures! I wanna see pictures!